The tiny, little butterfly shaped gland present at the base of your neck called the “thyroid” is your body’s silent and a very important workhorse. Most of the times it is processing so smoothly and silently that we almost forget that it is there. This gland comes to notice only when it starts malfunctioning or going haywire since it helps the body with the basic functions, like regulation of your metabolism, temperature, heartbeat and much more.
The hypothalamus is a very important part of the brain, mostly because it is responsible for the regulation of the master gland, i.e. the pituitary gland. If something goes wrong with the hypothalamus, then everything goes haywire and many functions of the body including internal balance can get out of control. This can lead to many symptoms.
This may be a surprise for you….there is a connection between fatty liver disease and thyroid function. The truth is, research shows that if there is a certain imbalance of hormones, the risk of fatty liver disease increases. Before getting into the how, let us first understand what fatty liver disease is and how it can be initiated because of thyroid issues.
Autoimmune diseases are more common than you might have guessed. Did you know that conditions like diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis and Psoriasis are all examples of autoimmune diseases? Yes, they are prevalent. It’s just that people don’t know they are classified as autoimmune disease. If not treated in time or not managed properly, they can cause a lot of damage to the body or even become life threatening.
Did you know more times than not, it is your thyroid gland that is behind the problems of your skin? Be it a dull or pale complexion, acne scars or active acne, blackheads, or even lesions, all can be a result of an overactive or underactive thyroid gland. Surprised? Don’t even know what a thyroid condition is or why you may be suffering from it?
You may be surprised to hear that acne and thyroid problems are closely connected. How, you may wonder? The thing is, acne happens because of imbalance of hormones. Thyroid hormone, when disrupted, does not just upset the balance of the metabolic rate and body temperature, but also stress hormones, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones.
You probably will be surprised to know that thyroid diseases have a very close connection to quite a few mental disorders. This happens because thyroid hormone don’t just help in the proper digestion of food or maintain body temperature. Rather, it plays a part in pretty much all body functions including sex hormones and cognition.
There is no worse feeling than being told or made to feel that ‘your sex drive does not exist’. Actually, it is a gross estimation of the fact that women have either not discovered what gives them pleasure, or they are suffering from some kind of medical ailment. In most cases, it is the latter.
The thyroid gland is responsible for many different functions of the body that are interconnected to other major functions. Think of it like a giant spider web. This includes some mental workings as well. And this is where headaches or migraines can come into the picture.
Thyroid problems are sometimes aggravated by some other rituals you follow in your life, without you even knowing about them. This includes the use of some kinds of supplements. One thing that may benefit one person may not be the same for the other. Therefore, it’s essential that before you begin using any kind of supplementation, you consult with a specialist.