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Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. No matter if the idea of adding extra pounds to your body may terrify you, this is simply something you cannot avoid when a little baby is on the way. The weight you gain means that your baby is developing.
So the question is, exactly how much weight gain is acceptable? Are you supposed to gain 10 pounds, 20, or 30? Here are clear cut answers for you.
Pregnancy and Weight Gain
If you have just discovered that your whole life is about to change because you will be a mother soon, then first of all…..congratulations! There is simply nothing that gives you joy greater than your own child. You won’t believe the happiness that becomes a part of you once the baby arrives.
Now that you are expecting, there are certain things that you will need to follow. You will have to eat healthy, exercise regularly, think positive, and keep up with your routine checkup with the OB Gyn. The doctor can guide you on what food to eat to provide good nutrition to your baby and which multivitamins to take.
During the course of pregnancy, you will start to gain weight. Now how much of that will happen? This basically depends on your current weight. Where do you lie on the BMI scale? If your weight is too low, that is you are underweight, then the medical health expert will suggest that you gain quite a bit so that the baby is able to gain the nutrition they need for healthy development.
If on the other hand, you are overweight, you may only gain a few pounds. Women who are obese and become pregnant are advised to make sure that there is little to no weight gain. It is generally recommended that pregnancy be considered when the person is within normal weight levels.
The reason why weight is such a concern during pregnancy, is that there are increased chances of quite a few medical problems if the weight gain is excessive. This includes hypertension, gestational diabetes, and risks at the time of birth. Studies show that about 47% of pregnant moms in America are likely to gain more weight than is advised by their doctor.
Also keep in mind that weight gain is essential for women who are within normal or low weight range. If they don’t gain enough, there are chances of early delivery or a baby that is born with low weight and underdeveloped organs. Hence the reason why, the minute you find out you are pregnant, the first thing you need to do is see your doctor and work out a plan about how much weight gain is enough for you.
So what decides the right weight gain during pregnancy?
BMI and Pregnancy
Since 2009, it has been decided by doctors and other health professionals that BMI of a women is what will decide the weight gain they can safely have. As per research here is the guideline:
- Women who are underweight with a BMI of 18.5 or less can gain anywhere between 28-40 pounds.
- Women who have normal weight with a BMI of 18.5-24.9 can gain anywhere from 25-35 pounds.
- Women who are overweight with a BMI of 25-29 should gain 15-25 pounds.
- Women who are obese with a BMI of over 39 should keep their weight gain within the range of 11-20 pounds.
These are general guidelines. Keep in mind that your OB GYN will be best able to tell you as per your health conditions, physical fitness and whether or not you are suffering from any kind of medical problem.
There is one more thing that needs to be considered. If you are carrying twins or more babies, then your weight gain situation will be different as compared to a single baby pregnancy. Therefore, it is important that you get in touch with a gynecologist immediately and refer all your weight gain questions to them.
From Trimester to Trimester
As per guidelines, there are a number of pounds that you should be gaining from one trimester to the next. Again, you need to remember that this is only a general rule and you do not have to fall in the category completely. So long as you are feeling ok, your baby is thriving inside and the doctor is giving you good signals, you are doing fine. For an idea, here is how much weight you should gain in each trimester.
1st trimester
The first trimester, or the first three months are when the baby is absolutely minuscule. This is not the time that they are gaining any pounds as it is during this stage all the organs are forming and systems starting. Gaining 3-4 pounds or nothing at all is a good sign. There are many times that some women lose weight at this point because of appetite loss and morning sickness. Just try to keep up your strength by opting for foods that provide energy and help in keeping you fresh.
2nd Trimester
It is in the 4th-5th month that the baby starts growing in size. They tend to pick up speed in weight gain and you to start showing signs of gaining pounds. If your weight at the time of pregnancy was normal, you can easily gain up to 14 pounds by now. This number can vary according to individuals. Your bump will also be visible by the 6th-7th month.
3rd Trimester
It is actually the last or third trimester when your baby starts putting on the pounds and you will gain too, but not as much as the 2nd trimester. Most women gain somewhere around 10-15 pounds in the last trimester. The more your baby takes from the weight the better for both of you. There are some women whose weight drops in the last few days of pregnancy.
This is normal pregnancy weight gain. If yours differs somewhat, it is fine. Just make sure you do not put on too many pounds because losing weight will then become a herculean task.
The best way to maintain a good weight during pregnancy is by exercising routinely and consuming a healthy diet; Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats are going to be your best friends during the 9 months. So store them in your fridge and eat away! If you would like a healthy eating plan specific to you, contact Health Solutions Plus and ask about the DNA Uprint.
- https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/weight-gain/
- http://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/pregnancy-weight-gain/
- http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/my-body/weight-gain/the-weigh-in-is-the-hardest-part/