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Diabetes and Your Sex Drive

If you already have diabetes, then you will not be surprised to see that it has a connection with how you feel towards sex. If you have recently acquired it, or someone you know has developed the condition, you may want to read up on everything about diabetes and the symptoms it can give rise to. Before getting into the details, let’s first be clear that as long as diabetes is managed effectively,  most people can lead a very normal life.

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Diabetes and PCOS

You may be surprised to know that PCOS is quite similar to diabetes. From symptoms to side effects, the conditions are so similar that PCOS is often a predecessor to diabetes. But this is not where the connection ends. Rather, studies show that women who have PCOS are more at risk of developing a diabetic condition. If you are not sure about PCOS and what happens when a person develops diabetes, then here is some detailed information for you.

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Diabetes and Obesity

Have you noticed that most people who have diabetes seem to be overweight?  You may be thinking there has to be a connection and you may not be surprised to know that there is.  Is it diabetes that gives rise to obesity or the other way round? What are the reasons they occur in the first place?

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Diabetes and Menopause

Diabetes and menopause, two things that can go hand in hand as you age. But keep in mind that just because you are close to menopause, does not mean that you are likely to acquire diabetes. Although it wouldn’t be wrong to say that in recent years, more and more women seem to have a higher chance of being diagnosed with diabetes as soon as they go through menopause.

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Diabetes and Kidney Disease

Diabetes and Kidney Disease

Did you know that 50% of diabetics experience some kind of kidney issue at some point in their lives? As shocking as this may be, you will be even more surprised that kidney disease and diabetes pretty much go hand in hand. This means that if you are already diabetic or have recently been diagnosed with the condition, you need to not only keep your blood sugar under control, but will also need to keep an eye on the health of your kidneys.

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Your Parathyroid Glands are Telling You Something

Belonging to the endocrine system, the  parathyroid glands are located behind the thyroid gland in our neck. Unlike the thyroid gland, which regulate a majority of the systems in our body, the parathyroid glands control the calcium in our bodies. A normal human endocrine system has 4 parathyroid glands, each the size of a rice grain.

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Can Plastic Lead to Cancer? Facts and Myths

Plastic kills. This is believed to be a fact without any second doubts.  So what is the truth about plastic and what are the myths surrounding it? Here are all facts that you need proved through research and approved by various health science associations of the world.

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Lifestyle Management During Chemotherapy Treatment

Having cancer in itself is one of the most life altering things a person can face in their life. Once treatment begins, things spiral out of control even more. This is the time when getting some semblance of balance and management in lifestyle is particularly needed.

If you or your loved one is undergoing, about to experience or have already come out of chemotherapy, then the following lifestyle management tips are going to take you far in getting control of your life back.

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Why is the Link between Cancer and Pesticides Called the “Love Affair?

There is no denying the environmental hazards caused by chemical based pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and disinfectants. Although these chemical solutions are necessary to repel or kill the pests, insects, herbs, and other factors that kill or harm the agricultural produce, the number of diseases caused from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and disinfectants are growing with every other research study.

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Truth About the Role of Water in Preventing Cancer

Water is “the source” of life and without it, you’re pretty much a goner. Did you know that 60% of the human body comprises of water and all the major functions are carried out with its aid? Therefore the concept that water give life is literally true.

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