Fertility and Autoimmune Diseases

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Fertility and Autoimmune Diseases

Have you been trying to become pregnant or have had difficulty? Possibly becoming pregnant but miscarried? There is a chance that it can be more than your hormones. You could have an autoimmune condition. You will be surprised to know that 75% of patients who have an autoimmune condition are women. This is one of the reasons why so many women are facing infertility problems.

Have you already been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition by your doctor? Read on to discover what you can do about it.

Autoimmune Disease and Fertility Issues

Autoimmune diseases are ones where the immune system starts attacking healthy cells instead of foreign invaders. When this happens, the connective tissue, gastrointestinal system, and endocrine system all are affected. Some common examples of autoimmune diseases include diabetes type I, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Since the immune system is not functioning well, it can also lead to problems with fertility. The egg that is formed in the body can be damaged beyond repair or the immune system could attack the ovaries as well as the uterus. This leads to an impairment in their function.  What’s worse though is that if a woman conceives, the immune system could also be the starting point of problems that can result in a miscarriage.

Have you been trying to become pregnant? Here are some symptoms that may indicate that you have an autoimmune condition:

  • Muscular pain and joint pain
  • Extreme fatigue all the time, even when you have had complete rest
  • Poor digestion
  • Constipation
  • Allergies
  • Skin rashes
  • Blood sugar concerns
  • Illnesses that keep coming back

So what kind of autoimmune disease can cause infertility or difficulty in carrying pregnancy to full term?

Autoimmune disease type

There are certain diseases that are already known to affect the reproductive organs. These include type I diabetes, thyroid issues, lupus, and anti-phospholipid syndrome. You will also be shocked to know that these autoimmune conditions give rise to other problems like PCOS, irregular menstrual cycle etc. that further complicate matters.

There is still too little research on autoimmune conditions to know for sure whether or not they cause infertility or make a women less fertile. What is even more problematic is that it isn’t only the women’s fertility that is at stake when diagnosed with an autoimmune problem, but male fertility as well. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by improperly working hormones and autoimmune disorders.

What needs to be kept in mind is that if the immune system isn’t working as it should, it can attack the reproductive organs and cells anytime without prior warning. This is even more dangerous because if you conceive while going through an undiagnosed autoimmune condition, it could result in a miscarriage. Please speak to your medical doctor if you suspect this may be going on.

What are the Treatment Options?

If you have been feeling these symptoms then you need to get in touch with a doctor immediately. They will identify what kind of immune system deficiency you may have and then suggest what kind of treatment option is best for you.

There are quite a few treatment options that women with autoimmune diseases can consider. Once the autoimmune disease has been diagnosed, it will be treated or managed with proper medication from your medical doctor. Alongside that, fertility treatments may also be suggested. Some options include:

  • If there is some problem with the fallopian tube, egg quality or problems with the ovaries, they can be sorted with the help of IVF
  • There are many fertility medications that help in stimulating and assisting with ovulation
  • Hormonal supplements can also be given in order to make sure that pregnancy progresses normally and with health
  • Genetic tests of the embryos can be done in order to see that there is no chance of miscarriage because of genetic issues
  • Embryos can also be monitored once they have been fertilized

If you are unable to conceive, then there are other options like surrogate pregnancy or adoption. You will need to get in touch with your doctor to see exactly how this personally affects you.  There are many times when the autoimmune disease is already managed and conceiving is not an issue.

How to Improve Immune System

Through some small changes in diet and lifestyle, you can improve your immune situation as well as fertility options. Here is what you can practice:

  • Get your thyroid checked out. This way you will know of there is something wrong with the gland and if there is a possibility of autoimmune thyroid disease. Be sure to ask for thyroid antibodies test. You can also check out our free webinar to learn more: bit.ly/J2317
  • Get your glucose checked as well as Hemoglobin A1c tested. This will inform you about blood sugar conditions as well as PCOS.
  • Have a diet that is rich in organic food. Stay away from processed and hormone administered foods.
  • Start using probiotics. These supplements help in keeping your gut healthy. This is key because 70% of your immune system sits in your gut.

The most important thing you need to hold onto is faith.  Get rid of stressful conditions and remain calm. Keep in mind that couples who are stressed out have a difficult time in conceiving then those who are relaxed.


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