Thyroid diseases is becoming more prevalent. At one point, there were few people suffering from any kind of thyroid disorder. Now, 27 million Americans have some kind of thyroid disease. What this implies is that more and more people are becoming affected by thyroid disorders every single day. Most of them are women 35 years and older
Before getting into the disease that you may have or you think you might have, there is a need to understand what the thyroid is, and what are hypo and hyperthyroidism. Only when you know these conditions will you be able to decipher whether or not you are suffering from one thing or another. So here is a little detail about the thyroid gland.
Dealing with thyroid issues for a long time? Symptoms seem to be getting worse? It just might be something more than just a disruption in your hormones. It could be Graves’ Disease. Never heard of it? Here is all the information you need about; what it is, how it occurs, what are the symptoms and what you can do to help your symptoms.
Pesticides are a concern not only for farmers working in the field spraying them on crops, they are also an alarm for the general population consuming these crops.
Are you going through a phase of increased heartbeat, flushing of the face, heat intolerance followed by another phase of extreme fatigue and lethargy, cold intolerance and weight fluctuations? If yes, your immune system can be the culprit.