
Hormonal Issues That Lead To Weight Gain

Did you know that hormonal imbalance is one of the major reasons for failure in weight loss among women and men? This may come as a surprise to you, but have you noticed how you have been eating all the right foods, exercising regularly yet no  weight loss is occurring?  Often the reason for this is you’re suffering from some kind of hormonal imbalance.

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Hormone Imbalance Can Lead to a Distorted Sexual Drive

Have you been feeling that your libido has dropped? Has your sexual drive dwindled to nothing? Is your partner complaining of your lack of interest in being intimate? Have you been trying but failing to gain pleasure out of sexual intercourse? If you have nodded yes to the above questions, then there may be something physical going on in your body that is causing you to feel that way.

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Ovarian Disorders and Solutions

The ovaries, the sex organs among females, are one of the most vital parts of the body. If they do not function normally, it could give rise to many issues including, but not limited to ovarian cancer and infertility. Problems occur when either the ovaries are not working to their optimum, there is some kind of imbalance of hormones, or because of tumor development.

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Pituitary Gland and Hormonal Disorders

The pituitary gland is said to be the king or the master of all hormonal glands. When you look at the actual gland, it is the size of a pea, but its importance to the body is undeniable. It produces hormones that are responsible for various integral functions throughout the body. If the pituitary gland does not function optimally, it could lead to many dysfunctions in the body.

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Role of The Pituitary and Common Disorders


Called the master gland of the endocrine system, the pituitary gland is responsible for many integral functions of the body, including the control of growth hormone,  sex hormones, body temperature, and balance etc. This pea-sized gland  can malfunction and lead to many symptoms and disorders.

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Pregnancy Blues The Result of Hormonal Imbalance

You’re pregnant? Congratulations! It is meant to be the happiest and most exciting time of your life. A little human being is being formed inside you and just the idea of having them with you in the world must be something extraordinary. But what is this? Why do you feel like you are spiraling into a world of darkness?

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Psychological Effects of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance, anxiety, stress, and depression pretty much go hand in hand. One of the first few signs of hormonal imbalance is depression and excessive fatigue. You will be surprised by how many people there are who thought they were facing a mental breakdown, while in reality it was an imbalance of their hormones!

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